Monday, August 31, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 2- September 1st

Today's Chapter is Yehoshua Chapter 2.

Daily insight- notice how Rachav helps the spies escape- through the window. It seems that there are many women in Tanach who use the window in different ways. Can you think of any? Why do you think that is?

(If you are interested- check out Shoftim 5/28, Shmuel I 19/12, Shmuel II 6/16, Melachim II 9/30)

Yehoshua Chapter 1- August 31st

Yehoshua Chapter 1:

Daily insight:
The phrase "חזק ואמץ" "be strong and of good courage" appears many times in this chapter. Exactly how many times does it appear?
This phrase appears only twice in the Torah- do you know where and in what context?

If you'd like to come to the lunch n learn- please fill in the best day, time and place for you here:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

All Aboard!

Come join me and set a goal for next year at Cornell:

Learning the books of Nevi’im Reshonim (Early Prophets) through the next academic year.


By committing to an independent short session of daily learning, we can complete learning the books of Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel and Melachim throughout the academic year, and a pace of 6 chapter a week.

When joining the program, you will be joining a journey through the books of Nevi’im Reshomin, in a way that is different than you have experienced before. While many people have studied these books, few have done it within one year.

Learning the entire Nevi’im Reshomin at such a pace will allow for deeper understanding, advancement of textual skills, and getting a better grasp of this crucial time in Jewish history.


  1. Daily independent learning of 1 chapter a day (Hebrew or English). In order to assist the independent learning, you will receive printed schedule and daily/weekly emails with 1-2 questions per chapter to help focus the learning.
  2. Weekly Lunch’n’Learn- join me for a pizza lunch somewhere on campus (place and day to be determined based on schedules of participants). The class will be either introduction to next week’s chapters, a summary of last week’s chapters or in-depth discussion of interesting topics.
When do we start?

First meeting is Monday, August 31st, 11:45 on the second floor of 104 West! Over pizza we will discuss the program and get started. If you want to join but cannot attend the meeting on Monday, please email me ( to get the daily emails and to let me know what day would be good for you.