Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 22

Today we are on to chapter 22- just two more to go after that, and then we will take a break for a few days.

Pay attention to this:

What is the problem with Pasuk 34? How does Rashi solve it?

רש"י יהושע פרק כב
הרי זה מן המקראות הקצרים וצריך להוסיף בו תיבה אחת ויקראו בני ראובן ובני גד למזבח עד:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 20

Hi Everyone!

Can you believe that we are on chapter 20?

Today I want you to notice two things:
1. Psukim 1-2 have a different "music" to them, what do they sound like?
Did you notice the different verb used to describe what was done to the cities on both sides of the Jordan (Psukim 7-8)? Why do you think that is?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 19


Today we are on to chapter 19!

Take notice:
It seems like the land devided to the 7 tribes was only in theory, and in fact most of these areas were still not conquered by them. One way to tell- compare the way the border of Yehuda is described (Chapter 15) and the border of Yisachar (19/17-23). Do you see anything else supporting this?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 17- Erev Rosh Hashana

Hi Everyone!

Since we are before Rosh Hashana, we will be learning chapter 17 on Friday, and chapter 18 somewhere during the holiday.

For chapter 17 notice: Compare 17/4 with Bamidbar 27/2- what is the substantial difference? Why do you think that is?

And for chapter 18,
a city mentioned in Pasuk 26 becomes significant later, see Mishna, Sukkah, Chapter 4 Mishna 5:

MISHNA: How was the command to take the willow fulfilled? There was a place below Jerusalem called Motza. Thither the people descended, and gathered drooping willow branches. These they brought and erected at the side of the altar, the tips inclining over it. While this was doing, a blast, a long note, and again a blast were blown. Every day they made one circuit round the altar, and recited the verse: "O Lord, help us; O Lord, prosper us." R. Jehudah said the words: "I and he, help us," were also said. On the particular day for using the willows (the seventh of the festival) they made seven circuits round the altar. When they withdrew, what did they say? "Beauty is thine, O altar! Beauty is thine, O altar!" R. Elazar said, they also said: "To God and to thee, O altar! To God and to thee, O altar!" As they did on week-days, so did they likewise on the Sabbath; excepting only that they gathered the willow branches on the Sabbath-eve and put them into golden casks (filled with water), that they might not fade. R. Johanan b, Beroka said: They fetched branches of palms and threshed them to pieces on the sides of the altar. Thence the day was called "the branch-threshing day." Directly afterwards the children threw down their Lulabs and ate the citrons.

משנה מסכת סוכה פרק ד משנה ה

[ה] מצות ערבה כיצד מקום היה למטה מירושלם ונקרא מוצא יורדין לשם ומלקטין משם מרביות של ערבה ובאין וזוקפין אותן בצדי המזבח וראשיהן כפופין על גבי המזבח תקעו והריעו ותקעו בכל יום מקיפין את המזבח פעם אחת ואומרים אנא ה' הושיעה נא אנא ה' הצליחה נא רבי יהודה אומר אני והו הושיעה נא ואותו היום מקיפין את המזבח שבעה פעמים בשעת פטירתן מה הן אומרים יופי לך מזבח יופי לך מזבח רבי אליעזר אומר ליה ולך מזבח ליה ולך מזבח:

Shana Tova!
May we all be blessed with a sweet and happy new year!

Yehoshua Chapter 16, September 17th

Today we are on to chapter 16.

Pay attention: What city was Efrayim UNABLE to defeat? When and how was that city finally defeated? (Check out Melachim A, Chapter 9, Psukim)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 15, September 16th

Thanks for the great Shiur. I look forward to the next one. We will be meeting in 104 West! during dinner, at 6 or after Mincha.

Today we are on to chapter 15.

Something to notice today: who is Kiryat Arba named after?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 14, Sept. 15th

We are already up to Chapter 14!

Today, take a look at this famous Midrash:

תלמוד בבלי מסכת זבחים דף קיח עמוד ב

ת"ר: ...ימי אהל מועד שבגלגל - ארבע עשרה, ז' שכבשו וז' שחלקו...

Or in English: "The sages learned... The tabernacle was 14 years in Gilgal, 7 while they conquered and 7 while they divided."

Explain the calculation based on psukim 7, 10.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 13, September 14th

Today we are on to Yehoshua chapter 13.

A challenge for today, if you are interested, is to compare 23/1 with 13/1 and Breshit 24/1- what is the phrase that appears in all of these places? Why is it used?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 12, September 13th

Today we are learning the 12th chapter of Yehoshua- this is half way through the book- Great Job!!!

You'll notice that part of the chapter is written in a strange way. About that: Do you know what it's called? Where else in Tanach does it appear? (Check out the Gemara in Megilla, Page 16B)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 10- September 10th

We are learning chapter 10.

And here is a map to look at- just to get a better picture of what is going on.

Yehoshua Chapter 11- September 11th

Today we are learning chapter 11.
The question for today: Compare 11/7 with 10/9- what is the war tactic that Yehoshua is using? And does it have anything to do with 9/11?
People who respond on the blog before Shabbat will get a surprise on Shabbat!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yehoshua- Chapter 9, September 9th

Today we are learning chapter 9 of Yehoshua.

Did you notice the difference between the suggestion of the Nesi'im (pasuk 21) and what Yehoshua did (psukim 23, 27)?

Yehoshua Chapter 10- September 10th

We are learning chapter 10.

And here is a map to look at- just to get a better picture of what is going on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 8- September 8th

Today we're continuing with the battle on Ha'ai with Chapter 8.

What do you think the point of Pasuk 9 is? What can it teach us about leadership?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 7- September 7th

Good morning and happy labor day!

Today we will learn Yehoshua Chapter 7.

Pay attention to the different styles of wars- how is the war on Ha'ai different than the war on Yericho?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 6- September 6th

Ready for a new week? Here we go!
And notice, this week it's easy to remember which chapter we are on because it's the same day in September.

Today's perek is Yehoshua Chapter 6.

A question of Jewish Trivia: What Minhag done until today is based on the capturing of Yericho?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 5- September 4th

Good Morning!

Today's chapter is Yehoshua Chapter 5.

Something to check out: Open up to Shmot Chapter 3, verses 1-6. Notice the similarities and differences to our chapter.

Yehoshua Chapter 4- September 3rd

Today we are reading Yehoshua Chapter 4.

In chapters 3-4 we learn about the crossing of the Jordan. Here are three pictures depicting this scene.
Take a look at them, and let me know which picture you liked best, and why?
1. Dore
2. Chagall
3. Raphael

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yehoshua Chapter 3- September 2nd

Today's chapter is Yehoshua Chapter 3.

Something to notice- it seems that God and Yehoshua have different goals they hope to achieve with the splitting of the Jordan- what are those goals, and how do these differences affect what they say or do?